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Lotus in the Pond

Five Pure Land Sutras


The Pure Land School of Buddhism has five important sutras that are imperative for practitioners to learn, recite, and understand the Pure Land Doctrine.


​​It is recommended to spend time everyday on chanting the Pure Land sutra (pick one from the five Pure Land sutras you like most and stick with it), as well as chanting the Buddha-name of Amitabha Buddha.


We created the Amitabha Mindful Music Collection that helps anyone who would like to learn the Pure Land School of chanting practice. Check out a sample chant from this music collection and start your chanting practice today!


Make a vow to reborn in the Western Pure Land. Practice your chant everyday. Such daily practices concentrate our minds on the learning, deepen the understanding, and emphasize on the cultivation at the same time.



Why Amitabha's Pure Land?


What's so special about Amitabha's Pure Land?  In this Dharma-Ending Age, Sakyamuni Buddha in numerous teachings encouraged all beings to practice the Pure Land method--make a vow to reborn in the Western Pure Land at the end of this lifetime and mindfully chant the name of Amitabha Buddha every day!  The Western Pure Land is the ideal place for all beings to attain Buddhahood in one lifetime. It's simple and easy to get started.


In the Visualization Sutra, Sakyamuni Buddha described a detailed account of the Western Pure Land for all beings to mindfully visualize this ideal learning environment and encourage us to aspire to and vow to reborn there.



Amitabha Buddha--A Name Goes Beyond Space and Time


Amitabha is a name that encompasses all sorts of infinity.  Reciting the name of Amitabha Buddha constantly and persistently helps us rediscover the inner Buddha nature--the true nature.  Chanting "Amitabha Buddha" helps invoke our true nature--infinite light and infinite life


What are the five Pure Land Sutras?


1.  The Amitabha Sutra  [ Full sutra text ]
See also "Commentary of the Amitabha Sutra" [ Full commentary ] by Grand Master Ou-i, an excellent resource that provides us the essence of the Pure Land method.

2.  The Infinite Life Sutra (Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality, and Enlightenment of the Mahayana School)  [ Sutra Excerpts ] or [ Full sutra text (Chinese) ]

3.  The Visualization Sutra  [ Full sutra text ]

4.  The Chapter of the Practices and Vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadhra from the Avatamsaka SutraFull sutra text ]

5.  The Chapter on Mahasthama Bodhisattva's Mindfulness of Amitabha to Universally Realize Samadhi from the Surangama Sutra Full sutra text ]


​Amitabha Mindful Chanting


Every time we practiced Buddha-name chanting or sutra recitation, ​we dedicate our merits and virtues accrued from our practices to adorn the Pure Land, repay the Four Kinds of Kindness above, and relieve the suffering of those in the Three Paths below. ​​


By continuously practicing (Amitabha) Buddha-name Chanting, the ultimate goal is to seek the help of Amitabha Buddha to be reborn in the Land of Ultimate Bliss at the end of this lifetime!


For the Sake of All Beings


For the Sake of All Beings, which is a site that is dedicated to all beings who want to learn how to end their sufferings in one lifetime, provides more information on Pure Land Buddhism, Principles and Cultivation, Three Learnings, Three Refuges, Five Precepts, and Six Paramitas.



N A M O    A M I T A B H A !



Lotus in the Pond
About the Site
Amitabha Buddha


The site content is re-posted from the text of "Mind-Seal of the Buddhas".  You may download a copy of the eBook.  The material is intended for free distribution and free public access, therefore, this site content is strictly intended for non-profit use. See site content reference.


You are welcome to link to any part of the site. Do not use any of the site material and copyright it yourself. Unauthorized registration of a copyright will be regarded as a violation of law.


For the sake of all beings site is dedicated to all beings who want to learn how to end their sufferings in one lifetime, provides more information on Pure Land Buddhism, Principles and Cultivation, Three Learnings, Three Refuges, Five Precepts, and Six Paramitas.


The book "Mind-Seal of the Buddhas" is a translation from the "Commentary on the Amitabha Sutra" which is written by Master Ou-I in the 17th Century in Chinese.  


To learn more of Master Chin Kung and his teachings, please visit the Association of Master Chin Kung's Friends at UNESCO site and the Amitabha Buddhist Society of USA.


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