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Lotus in the Pond

Explanation of Sutra Text

Master Ou-i divided the text of Amitabha Sutra into three sections:

1.  Introduction
2.  Main Body
​3.  Transmission

Therefore, his commentary below that explained the sutra text was to follow these three section accordingly.  


The text of the sutra is divided into three sections. The first is the introduction. The second is the main body of the text, which gives the correct guiding principles and the third is the history of the transmission of the text. These three parts are called the excellent opening, the excellent middle, and the excellent ending.


The introduction is like the head, complete with eyes, ears, and nose. The main body of the text is like the body, complete with all the internal organs. The transmission history is like the hands and feet, which move unimpeded.


Wisdom is all phenomena are emptiness, all cannot be possessed.


In sum, the introduction covers the overall structure of the sutra, while the transmission history shows that the bestowal of the teaching has been unimpeded. The connection of these two portions with the main body of the sutra is not a minor matter. Lately people have not understood this. When they read the sutras, they delve a bit into its principles, then plunge into the main body of the text, treating the introduction and the transmission history as if they were empty formulas. It this were true, why are we told that both the opening words and the closing words of a sutra are also excellent?


Lotus in the Pond
About the Site
Amitabha Buddha


The site content is re-posted from the text of "Mind-Seal of the Buddhas".  You may download a copy of the eBook.  The material is intended for free distribution and free public access, therefore, this site content is strictly intended for non-profit use. See site content reference.


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For the sake of all beings site is dedicated to all beings who want to learn how to end their sufferings in one lifetime, provides more information on Pure Land Buddhism, Principles and Cultivation, Three Learnings, Three Refuges, Five Precepts, and Six Paramitas.


The book "Mind-Seal of the Buddhas" is a translation from the "Commentary on the Amitabha Sutra" which is written by Master Ou-I in the 17th Century in Chinese.  


To learn more of Master Chin Kung and his teachings, please visit the Association of Master Chin Kung's Friends at UNESCO site and the Amitabha Buddhist Society of USA.


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