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Commentary on

The Amitabha Sutra



Grand Master Ou-i

Lotus in the Pond


on The Amitabha Sutra


Main Essence

Essence of the Sutra
(Five Layers of Meaning Highlighted by Grand Master Ou-i)


1.  Title of the Sutra

2.  Essence of the Sutra

3.  Guiding Principle

4.  Sutra's Function

5.  Forms of Buddhist Teaching


You are reading a translated text from Chinese of a major commentary on the Amitabha Sutra, the key scripture of Pure Land Buddhism. The author, Master Ou-i, is a distinguished seventeenth century T'ien-t'ai Master, subsequently honored as the ninth Patriarch of the Pure Land school.


Commentary of the Amitabha Sutra

Explanation of the sutra text


The commentary written by Master Ou-i explained the Amitabha Sutra in three distinct sections.


1.  Introduction - Covers the overall structure of the sutra.

2.  Main Body - Provides the correct guiding principles.

3.  Transmission - The transmission history that shows the bestowal of the teaching has been unimpeded.


Lotus in the Pond


Dedicated  to  All  Sentient  Beings  in  the  Universe

May the merits and virtues
​accrued from this work
adorned Amitabha Buddha's Pure Land,
repay the four great kindness above,
and relieve the suffering of the three paths below.
May those who see and hear these efforts
generate Bodhi-mind,
spent their lives devoted to the Buddha Dharma,
 and finally be reborn together in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.
Homage to Amitabha Buddha!


Lotus in the Pond
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Wherever the Buddha's teachings
have flourished, either in cities or countrysides,
people would gain inconceivable benefits... 
The land and people would be enveloped
in peace.  The sun and moon would shine clear
and bright.  Wind and rain would appear
accordingly and there would be no disasters. 
Nations would be prosperous and there
would be no use for soldiers or weapons. 
People would abide by morality and accord
with laws. 
They would be courteous and
humble, and everyone would be content
without injustices. There would be
no thefts or violence.
The strong would not
dominate the weak and everyone
would get their fair share.
 ~ The Buddha Speaks of The Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Mahayana School ~
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* For those who would want to learn more, you may read the Essence of The Infinite Life Sutra.



Lotus in the Pond


We are forever grateful to Grand Master Ou-i
​for composing this deeply insightful commentary on the Amitabha Sutra to all beings in this Saha World. ​

The Life of Grand Master Ou-i page is our humble way dedicated for paying tribute and homage to this grand master teacher. 

Master Ou-i



This simple, convenient, and effective way to practice Buddha Recitation is especially suitable for those who find that they have little time for cultivation. It helps us to be mindful of Buddha Amitabha. It brings us quiet joy.


We begin when we wake up. Sit up straight and clearly recite "Amituofo" ten times with a calm and focused mind, aloud or silently. We repeat this process eight more times, each time doing one round of ten recitations.


Recite nine times daily at these times:


Upon waking up

Before breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Before and after our morning's work

Before and after our afternoon's work

Upon retiring


The key is regularity; disruption of this practice will reduce its effectiveness. When we recite consistently without interruption, we will soon feel an increase in our purity of mind, wisdom, and serenity. Diligent practice of this method, together with unwavering belief and vows, can ensure fulfillment of our wish to be reborn in the Western Pure Land.



N A M O     A M I T A B H A 

The Teachings of Great Master Yin Guang

Whether one is a layperson or has left the home life, one should respect elders and be harmonious to those surrounding him.

One should endure what others cannot, and practice what others cannot achieve. One should take others' difficulties unto oneself and help them succeed in their undertakings.


While sitting quietly, one should often reflect upon one's own faults, and what chatting with friends, one should not discuss the rights and wrongs of others. 


In every action one makes, whether dressing or eating, from dawn to dusk and dusk till dawn, one should not cease to recite the AMITABHA Buddha's name. 


Aside from Buddha recitation, whether reciting quietly or silently, one should not give rise to other improper thoughts. If wandering thoughts appear, one should immediately dismiss them.


Constantly maintain a humble and repentful heart; even if one has upheld true cultivation, one should still feel one's practice is shallow and not the business of others.


Only look after the good examples of others instead of bad ones. One should see oneself as mundane and everyone else as Bodhisattvas. If one cultivate according to these teachings, one is sure to reach the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.


Homage to Amitabha! Amitabha! 



Lotus in the Pond

All of those who have vowed,

or are vowing,

or will vow to be born in

the land of Amitabha Buddha

reach the level

where they do not retrogress

from Supreme, Perfect Enlightenment...

all good men and women,

if they have faith, must make a vow to be born in that land.  

  ~ Amitabha Sutra

About the Site
Amitabha Buddha


The site content is re-posted from the text of "Mind-Seal of the Buddhas".  You may download a copy of the eBook.  The material is intended for free distribution and free public access, therefore, this site content is strictly intended for non-profit use. See site content reference.


You are welcome to link to any part of the site. Do not use any of the site material and copyright it yourself. Unauthorized registration of a copyright will be regarded as a violation of law.


For the sake of all beings site is dedicated to all beings who want to learn how to end their sufferings in one lifetime, provides more information on Pure Land Buddhism, Principles and Cultivation, Three Learnings, Three Refuges, Five Precepts, and Six Paramitas.


The book "Mind-Seal of the Buddhas" is a translation from the "Commentary on the Amitabha Sutra" which is written by Master Ou-I in the 17th Century in Chinese.  


To learn more of Master Chin Kung and his teachings, please visit the Association of Master Chin Kung's Friends at UNESCO site and the Amitabha Buddhist Society of USA.


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