Main Essence
The Buddhas took pity on the multitudes of deluded sentient beings, and put forth transformative teachings according to the various potentials of these deluded sentient beings. Although these teachings all derive from the same source, many different expedient methods are employed.
Among all these expedients, if we seek the most direct and the most complete, none is as good as seeking birth in the Pure Land through Buddha-remembrance (Buddha recitation). If we seek the simplest and most reliable among all the methods of Buddha-remembrance, the best is to develop faith and vows and to concentrate on reciting the Buddha-name.
This is the reason that the ancients took the Amitabha Sutra as their daily study guide, though three Pure Land scriptures have circulated side by side in the world over the generations. The Amitabha Sutra shows that the method of reciting the Buddha-name applies to people of high, medium, and limited capacities. It encompasses both the level of phenomena, and the level of inner truth (noumenon), omitting nothing. It embraces both Zen Buddhism and Scriptural Buddhism, and leaves nothing out. This method is indeed inconceivably great!
Over the generations, since ancient times, there has been no lack of people to comment upon and explain the Amitabha Sutra. Over time, many of these commentaries have fallen into oblivion and nowadays not many survive. [A generation ago], Master Chu-hung of Yun-ch'i wrote his extensive and subtle commentary, and my own teacher's Master Yu-hsi, wrote Complete Middle Path Commentary, which is profound and highly learned. [These two commentaries] are like the sun and the moon: all those with eyes see them. But [in these two commentaries] the literary style is elaborate and the levels of meaning are complex. Their ultimate reaches are unfathomable.
Therefore, I have put aside all qualms about my own mediocrity and ignorance and composed another commentary, explaining the essential points of the Amitabha Sutra. I would not dare to diverge from elders Chu-hung and Yu-hsi just to be original, nor would I force myself to agree with them for the sake of agreement. When I look upon their example, it is as if lofty peaks surround me. Even though my commentary in no way fully describes the true realm of the Pure Land tradition, I must not fail to give every one of you a personal vision of it.
When one explicates the text of the Amitabha Sutra, there are five layers of profound meaning. The five layers of profound meaning are elaborated below.

1. Title of the Sutra
First, there is the title of the sutra to explain.
[This scripture is called The Amitabha Sutra Spoken by Buddha.] This sutra takes its title from the one who expounds it and from the one of whom he speaks.
Buddha is the master teacher, the one who expounds the scripture in this world, that is, Sakyamuni. By the power of his vows of great compassion, he was born here in the world of the Five Turbidities. As the one who was first to awaken, his mission was to bring enlightenment to those who were to awaken later. Buddha is the one who knows all and sees all... [ m o r e ]

2. Essence
Second, there is the essence of the sutra to discern.
The true essence of all the Great Vehicle (Mahayana) scriptures is Absolute Reality (Real Mark) itself.
What is Absolute Reality? It is the Pure Mind of sentient beings. This mind is not inside, not outside, and not in-between. It is not past, not present, and not future... [ m o r e ]

3. Guiding Principle
Third, there is the guiding principle to explain.
The guiding principle is the essential route for cultivating practice, the key link for understanding the essence [of our mind], the guiding framework for the myriad practices.
When you hold up a net, the mesh opens up. When you lift the collar of a shirt, the breast and sleeves come too.
Thus, after explaining the essence of the sutra, we must discern the guiding principle... [ m o r e ]

4. Sutra's Function
Fourth, there is the sutra's function.
The powerful function of this sutra is to enable us to be reborn in the Pure Land and never fall back.
Rebirth in the Pure Land can be categorized in terms of the Four Pure Lands, and also into nine lotus grades in each Land.
Here I will give a brief explanation of the characteristics of the Four Lands... [ m o r e ]

5. Forms of Buddhist Teachings
Fifth, there are the forms of the Buddhist teaching in this sutra to explain.
The sutra is contained in the Mahayana canon, Bodhisattva vehicle, and is "self-spoken" -- delivered by the Buddha without being asked.
This sutra enables sentient beings with many karmic obstructions who live the Dharma-Ending Age to make a direct ascent toward enlightenment without falling back... [ m o r e ]