As Expounded by Sakyamuni Buddha
The Visualization Sutra, also known as "The Sutra of Visualization of the Buddha of Infinite Life as Expounded by Sakyamuni Buddha", is one of the five important sutras in Pure Land Buddhism.
The sutra was preached by Sakyamuni Buddha directly to Vaidehi, the Queen of the city of Rajagrha, in response to her yearning for a place to be reborn that is without distress and free of afflictions and sufferings. Vaidehi requested Sakyamuni Buddha to teach her how to visualize such a place where she may hear no evil words, see no evil things, and be reborn there. That was then when Sakyamuni introduced the Western Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha and expounded the sixteen visualization practice.
Let's learn these sixteen visualization from the sutra.

Amitabha Buddha is speaking the Dharma right now. Amitabha is helping all who are truly sincere in their vows to be reborn in the Western Pure Land, the Land of Ultimate Bliss.
Pick a chant from the Amitabha Mindful Music Collection
and start your daily chanting practice today.
It's simple and easy to get started, and the reward
empowered by Amitabha is inconceivable!

~ Dedicated to All Beings in All Realms ~
We feel immensely lucky and grateful for
​the teachings of the 16 visualization methods made available to us.
We are aspired to be reborn in Amitabha Buddha's
Western Land of Ultimate Bliss.
The visualization practice is to be followed
in its presented order of progression, and performed
with dedication and sincerity.
With the cultivation of belief, a sincere vow, and continuous practice,
all beings can attain the ultimate goal to be reborn in the Western Pure Land.
Namo Amitabha Buddha!

Restoring World Peace -- Water Knows
All Phenomena Arise from the Mind
Our Environment Changes According to Our Mind
The Buddhist teachings state, "All phenomena arise from our minds; our environment can be transformed by the mind. Believe it or not, each of us possess the power of mind to change our living environment, and we human beings collectively can restore our world to harmony!
Watch the video above, "Restoring World Peace--Water Knows". In this video, modern scientists have demonstrated very clearly how our state of mind affects the environment -- the causality of our mind and the environment.
By conducting countless experiments on the water crystals, scientists discovered that water can read, water can smell, water can listen and watch, and feel. Water can receive and reflect the messages of human thoughts through the shapes and contents of the water crystals. Water knows!
See for yourself how water knows the human expression of love regardless of languages, under the natural disasters happened on earth and the tragedies humans suffered. Water manifests the power of our mind. If we change the state of mind, the environment will change accordingly.
Read a summary of the video transcripts.
Watch the video Does Water Have Memory?
Watch the video Our Mind . . . Water Knows