The Buddha said to Ananda and Vaidehi, "When you have clearly and distinctly seen the Buddha of Immeasurable Life Span, next visualize Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. This Bodhisattva's body is eighty sextillions of yojanas tall and is purple-gold in color. On the top of the head is a mound of flesh surrounded by a halo of light which shines from behind the neck. Both the halo and the Bodhisattva's face are one hundred thousand yojanas in diameter.
"Within this halo of light there are five hundred miraculously created Buddhas that resemble Sakyamuni Buddha, and each miraculously created Buddha is attended by five hundred miraculously created Bodhisattvas and countless numbers of heavenly beings.
Within the light emanating from this Bodhisattva's body, sentient beings of the five realms of birth-and-death appear in all their various forms. Atop the Bodhisattva's head is a heavenly crown made of sakrabhilanga-mani pearls, and within this heavenly crown stands a miraculously created Buddha Amitabha, twenty-five yojanas high.
"The face of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is the golden color of the sands of the Jambu river. A tuft of hair between the eyebrows possesses all the colors of the seven kinds of jewels, and streaming from it are eighty-four thousand different rays of light. Within each of those rays of light there are immeasurable and countless hundreds of thousands of miraculously created Buddhas, each attended by countless miraculously created Bodhisattvas. These Buddhas and Bodhisattvas miraculously appear everywhere, completely filling worlds of the Ten Quarters.
"This Bodhisattva's arms, the color of a red lotus flower, are adorned with ornaments made of eight hundred million exquisite rays of light. Within these ornaments, the majestic works of the Buddha are reflected in their entirety.
The palms of the hands are the color of five billion lotus flowers of various colors, and the tip of each of the ten fingers shows eighty-four thousand patterns like those on an engraved seal. Each pattern has eighty-four thousand colors, each color emits eighty-four thousand rays of light, and each soft, delicate ray of light illuminates all beings. With these jewel-like hands, this Bodhisattva embraces and guides sentient beings.
"When this Bodhisattva raises a foot, the thousand-spoked wheel that marks the sole of that foot changes of its own accord into a pedestal which emits five billion rays of light. When the foot is lowered, flowers made of diamond and mani jewels are strewn about everywhere, filling and covering everything. All other physical characteristics and marks are exactly like those of the Buddha. The mound of flesh upon the head and the invisibility of the uppermost part of this mound, however, are inferior to those of the World-Honored One. This is the visualization of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara's true physical features and is called the Tenth Visualization."
The Buddha said to Ananda, "Those who wish to visualize Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara must do so with this method of visualization. Those who perform this visualization will not encounter any misfortune; their karmic obstructions will be purified, and the evil karma binding them to birth-and-death for countless aeons is eliminated. Even to hear the name of this Bodhisattva is to gain immeasurable merits; how much more so if this Bodhisattva is clearly visualized?
"Those who wish to visualize Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara should first visualize the mound of flesh on the head; next visualize the heavenly crown; then visualize the remaining physical characteristics in order. All of them should be seen as clearly and distinctly as you might see the palm of your hand. Performing this visualization is called the right visualization. If one performs other visualizations, that is called an incorrect visualization."

Mindful Visualization of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara explained on Medium.com
Amitabha Mindfulness Chanting music collection on YouTube