The Buddha said to Ananda and Vaidehi, "The sentient beings in the highest level of the lowest grade of rebirth are those who have committed myriad evil acts. Although they do not slander the Vaipulya sutras, these deluded beings repeatedly perform evil deeds, yet feel no remorse.
"When their lives are about to end, they meet a virtuous and learned teacher who praises for them the names and titles of the Mahayana sutras of the twelve divisions. By hearing the names of these sutras, the heavy and evil karma binding them to birth-and-death for a thousand aeons is eliminated.
This learned teacher also teaches them to press their palms together and recite 'Namo Buddha Amitabha.' Because they recite the Buddha's name, the evil karma binding them to birth-and-death for a hundred million aeons is eliminated.
"At that time, the Buddha sends a miraculously created Buddha, a miraculously created Avalokitesvara and a miraculously created Mahasthamaprapta, who appear before the aspirants and praise each of them, saying, 'Well done, child of a good family! Because you have recited the Buddha's name, your evil karma has been eliminated. We have come to welcome you.'
After these words have been spoken, each aspirant immediately sees the miraculously created Buddha, whose rays of light completely fill the room. Having seen this, the aspirants are filled with joy and their lives come to an end. Riding atop a jeweled lotus flower, each practitioner follows behind the miraculously created Buddha and is reborn in a a jeweled lake.
"After seven weeks, the lotus flower opens. When this flower unfolds, the greatly compassionate Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara and Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta send forth great rays of light and, standing before the aspirant, expound the profound sutras of the twelve divisions.
Upon hearing this, the aspirant accepts it in faith and awakens the mind that aspires for the Highest Perfect Enlightenment. After ten small aeons pass, the aspirant attains the hundred wisdom gates of the Dharma and enter the first stage of a Bodhisattva.
"These are called the sentient beings in the highest level of the lowest grade of rebirth; and being able to hear the name of the Buddha, the name of the Dharma, and the name of the Sangha -- that is, the Three Treasures -- these sentient beings immediately attain rebirth.
The Buddha said to Ananda and Vaidehi, "The sentient beings in the middle level of the lowest grade of rebirth are those who violate the five precepts, the eight abstinences, and the complete set of precepts for monks. Such deluded people steal the property of he Sangha, take the personal belongings of the monks, preach the Dharma with impure intent, and feel no remorse. These deluded people defile themselves with these evil deeds, and because of this will fall into hell.
"When the lives of such people about to end, the fires of hell simultaneously close upon them, they meet a virtuous and learned teacher who, with great compassion, praises and explains the majestic virtue and ten powers of the Buddha Amitabha, praises fully the transcendental powers of that Buddha's light, and further praises the virtues of that Buddha who accomplished the precepts, the meditation, the wisdom, the liberation and the awareness of that liberation.
When these people have heard these things, the evil karma binding them to birth-and-death for eight hundred million aeons is eliminated. Hell's fierce flames are then transformed into pure, cool breezes that gently blow upon heavenly flowers. On top of each flower is a miraculously created Buddha and miraculously created Bodhisattvas who come to welcome these people. And in a single moment of thought, they are each reborn inside a lotus flower in a seven-jeweled lake.
"After six aeons pass, the lotus flower unfold. When the flowers open, Avalokitesvara and Mahasthamaprapta reassure them using the Brahman voice and expound the profound Mahayana Sutras. Upon hearing this Dharma, each person at once awakens the mind that aspire for the highest enlightenment. These are called the sentient beings of the middle level of the lowest grade of rebirth.
The Buddha said to Ananda and Vaidehi, "The sentient beings in the lowest level of the lowest grade of rebirth are those who commit such evil acts as the five grave offenses and the ten transgressions, and are burdened with various kinds of evil. These foolish beings, because of their evil karma, shall fall into the evil realms of existence, and experience endless suffering for many aeons.
When the life of such a foolish person is about to end, this person meets a virtuous and learned teacher who provides various kinds of comfort, expounds the exquisite Dharma, and urges mindfulness of the Buddha. If that person is too tormented by pain to be mindful of the Buddha, the virtuous friend says, 'If you are unable to be mindful of the Buddha, you should recite the name of and take refuge in the Buddha of Immeasurable Life.' And so, with a sincere mind and an uninterrupted voice, this person says, 'Namo Buddha Amitabha' even as few as ten times, and because this person says the Buddha's name, with every repetition, the evil karma binding this person to birth-and-death for eight million aeons is eliminated.
"When the lives of such people come to an end, a sun-like golden lotus flower appears in front of them. And in the interval of a single thought-moment, each person will immediately attain rebirth inside a lotus flower in the Realm of Ultimate Bliss.
"After twelve great aeons the lotus flower opens. When the flower unfolds, Avalokitesvara and Mahasthamaprapta, using the Brahma voice, proclaim for each person the way to eliminate evil karma through the realization of the true nature of all existence. Upon hearing this, each person is filled with joy and, at that moment, awakens the mind that aspires for enlightenment. These are called the sentient beings of the lowest level of the lowest grade of rebirth. This perception of the sentient beings in the lowest grade of rebirth is called the sixteenth visualization."

Mindful Visualization of the Lowest Grade of Rebirth explained on Medium.com
Amitabha Mindfulness Chanting music collection on YouTube