The Buddha said to Ananda and Vaidehi, " In all, there are nine levels of sentient beings who are reborn in the Western Quarter. The sentient beings in the highest level of the highest grade of rebirth are those who vow to be reborn there.
By awakening the three kinds of mind they are reborn there. What are the three? The first is the most sincere mind, the second is the mind of deep faith, and the third is the mind which aspires for rebirth by transferring merit. Those who possess those three minds will be reborn in that land without fail.
"There are three other kinds of beings who will be reborn there. What are the three? First are the compassionate ones who refrain from killing and observe the precepts; second are those who read and recite the Mahayana Vaipulya Sutras; and third are those who cultivate the six kinds of mindfulness. Transferring the merit for rebirth, they vow to be reborn in that land. By accomplishing these virtuous acts for a period of from one to seven days, they immediately attain rebirth.
"When an aspirant is about to be reborn in that land, a result of unconquerable resolve, the Tathagata Amitabha appears along with Avalokitesvara, Mahasthamaprapta, countless transformation Buddhas, a great assembly of a hundred thousand bhiksus and sravakas, and countless heavenly beings in their seven-jeweled palaces.
"Holding a diamond pedestal, Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara approaches the aspirant along with Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta. The Buddha Amitabha sends forth a great light that illuminates the aspirant's body, and along with the Bodhisattvas, offers welcoming hands.
Avalokitesvara and Mahasthamaprapta, along with countless other Bodhisattvas, then encourage the aspirant's mind by offering praise. Upon seeing this, the aspirant dances with joy, is self-seen seated atop the diamond pedestal, and, following after the Buddha, is reborn into that land as quickly as the snap of a finger.
"Once reborn in that land, the aspirants see the Buddha's body and the perfection of the Buddha's myriad characteristics. The perfection of the Bodhisattvas' physical characteristics is also seen. The light of the jeweled forests widely proclaim the wondrous Dharma, and having heard it, the aspirants will instantly awaken the insight into the non-origination of all existence.
"Then, in an instant, the aspirants will visit and venerate all the Buddhas of the Ten Quarters, and in the presence of each Buddha receive a prediction of their future Buddhahood. Upon returning to the land from whence they came, they attain countless hundreds of thousands of Dharma-gates of dharanis. These are called the sentient beings in the highest level of the highest grade of rebirth.
"The sentient beings reborn in the middle level of the highest grade of rebirth do not necessarily uphold and recite the Vaipulya Sutras, but fully understand their meaning. Upon hearing the highest truth, their minds are not perplexed or shaken, and deeply believing in the principle of cause and effect, they do not slander the Mahayana. Transferring the merit of their virtuous acts, they vow to be reborn in the Realm of Ultimate Bliss.
"Those who perform these practices will, when their life is about to end, be met by Buddha Amitabha together with Avalokitesvara and Mahasthamaprapta; surrounded by a measureless, great host of attendant-followers, they hold a pedestal of purple-gold.
The Buddha praises each aspirant, saying, 'Dharma disciple, you have practiced the Mahayana and have realized the highest truth. For this reason we have now come to welcome you.' With this, Buddha Amitabha and the thousands of miraculously created Buddhas offer their hands all at once.
"The practitioners see themselves seated on a pedestal of purple-gold, and with palms pressed together, praise the Buddhas. In the space of a single thought, they are reborn in that land in a seven-treasure lake. The pedestal of purple-gold is like a great jeweled flower, and after one night passes, the flower opens. Each practitioner's body becomes the color of purple-gold, and under their feet there are lotus flowers made of the seven treasures.
The Buddha and the Bodhisattvas all send forth rays of light to illuminate each practitioner's body, causing their eyes to open, clear and wide. Because of the store of merit from their previous lives, they hear a variety of voices exclusively proclaiming the most profound, supreme truth. Descending from the gold pedestal, and with palms presses together, they bow to and praise the Buddha, the World-Honored One.
"After seven days pass, each aspirant attains the Stage of Non-Retrogression on the path toward the Highest Perfect Enlightenment. Each aspirant acquires the ability to fly off at will to revere the Buddhas of the Ten Directions and to cultivate various samadhis from them.
After one small aeon passes, each aspirant attains the insight into the non-origination of all existence, and in the presence of each Buddha, receive a prediction of their future attainment. These are called the sentient beings in the middle level of the highest grade of rebirth.
"Those sentient beings reborn in the lowest level of the highest grade of rebirth also believe in the principle of cause and effect, do not slander the Mahayana, and awaken the mind which aspires to the highest perfect enlightenment. Transferring the merit of their virtuous acts, they vow to be reborn in the Realm of Ultimate Bliss.
"When the lives of such aspirants are about to end, these beings are met by Buddha Amitabha together with Avalokitesvara and Mahasthamaprapta and their great host of attendant-followers carrying golden lotus flowers which manifest five hundred transformed Buddhas to welcome them. These five hundred transformed Buddhas extend their hands to each person, saying, 'Dharma disciple, your mind is pure and you have awakened the mind which aspires to the highest perfect enlightenment, and so we have come to welcome you.'
"Having seen these things, each aspirant is self-seen seated on a golden lotus flower which then closes, and, following the World-Honored One, each aspirant is immediately reborn on a seven-jeweled lake.
"After one day and one night, the lotus flower opens, then within seven days, the aspirant beholds the Buddha. Although the body of the Buddha is seen, not all the physical characteristics and marks are clear in the aspirant's mind. But after three weeks, they are seen clearly and distinctly, and a variety of voices all widely proclaiming the wondrous Dharma are heard. The aspirant then travels to each of the Ten Quarters to make offerings to all the Buddhas, and to hear their most profound Dharma teachings.
"After three small aeons pass, the aspirant attains the hundred wisdom gates of the Dharma and abides in the Stage of Joy. These are called the sentient beings in the lowest level of the highest grade of rebirth. Performing this visualization is called the right visualization. If one performs other visualizations, that is called an incorrect visualization."

Mindful Visualization of the Superior Grade of Rebirth explained on Medium.com
Amitabha Mindfulness Chanting music collection on YouTube