The Buddha said to Ananda and Vaidehi, "The sentient beings reborn in the highest level of the middle grade of rebirth are those who have upheld the five precepts, observed the eight abstinences, have cultivated the practice of precepts, have not committed the five grave offenses and are free from various other faults.
Transferring the merits of these roots of virtue for rebirth, they aspire to be reborn in the Realm of Ultimate Bliss in the Western Quarter.
"When their lives are about to end, these beings will be met by Buddha Amitabha, who, surrounded by a host of bhiksus and attendant-followers, sends forth golden rays of light. Coming to each person, they proclaim the teachings of suffering, emptiness, impermanence and non-self, praising the renunciation of the world which enables one to be freed from suffering.
After seeing this, each aspirant's heart is filled with great joy, and each is then self-seen sitting on a lotus flower pedestal. Dropping to their knees, the aspirants press their palms together, bowing to the Buddha in homage; and even before their heads are raised, rebirth in the Realm of Ultimate Bliss is attained.
"Immediately, the lotus flower opens, and when the flower unfolds, each aspirant hears a variety of sounds and voices praising the Four Truths. Instantly the aspirant attains the stage of an Arhat, acquires the three kinds of transcendent knowledge and the six supernatural powers, and realizes the eight samadhis of liberation. These are called the sentient beings in the highest level of the middle grade of rebirth.
"The sentient beings reborn in the middle level of the middle grade of rebirth are those who, for at least one day and one night observe the eight abstinences; or for one day and one night observe the shramanera [novice] precepts; or for one day and one night observe the complete set of precepts for monks, their majestic deportment lacking nothing. Transferring the merit of these virtuous acts for rebirth, they aspire to the reborn in the Realm of Ultimate Bliss.
"Permeated with the fragrance of these precepts, such an aspirant, when life is about to end, sees the Buddha Amitabha and the host of attendant-followers approaching. Sending forth golden rays of light, the Buddha comes before this practitioner carrying a seven-jeweled lotus flower.
The aspirant then hears a voice from the sky saying, 'Child of a good family, as you are a virtuous person who has followed the teachings of the Buddhas of past, present, and future, I have come to welcome you.' The aspirant is then self-seen sitting on a lotus flower which then closes, and rebirth in a jeweled lake of the Realm of Ultimate Bliss of the Western Quarter ensues.
"After seven days pass, the lotus flower unfolds. When the flower is fully open, the aspirant, whose eyes are now opened, places palms together and praises the World-Honored One.
Hearing the Dharma, the aspirant is filled with joy and attains the stage of a Stream-Winner; then, after half an aeon, the stage of Arhat is attained. These are called the sentient beings of the middle level of the middle grade of rebirth.
"The sentient beings reborn in the lowest level of the middle grade of rebirth are those good sons or good daughters who attend dutifully to their parents and do benevolent deeds for others.
"When the lives of these people are about to end, they encounter a virtuous and learned teacher who fully explains the bliss of the land of the Buddha Amitabha and also expounds the Forty-Eight Great Vows of the Bhiksu Dharmakara.
Having heard these things, they soon come to the end of their lives, and in the time it takes for a vigorous person to bend and extend an arm, the aspirants are reborn into the Realm of Ultimate Bliss of the Western Quarter.
"Seven days after that rebirth, the practitioners meet Avalokitesvara and Mahasthamaprapta. Hearing the Dharma, they are filled with joy and attain the stage of Stream-Winner; then, after one small aeon passes, they attain the stage of Arhat. These are called the sentient beings of the lowest level of the middle grade of rebirth. Performing this visualization is called the right visualization. If one performs other visualizations, that is called an incorrect visualization."

Mindful Visualization of the Middle Grade of Rebirth explained on Medium.com
Amitabha Mindfulness Chanting music collection on YouTube