Our Mind

Our Mind
All Phenomena Arise from the Mind.
Our Environment Changes According to our Mind.
The Buddha teachings state, "All phenomena arise from our minds; our environment can be transformed by the Mind." Believe it or not, each of us possess the power of mind to change our living environment, and we human beings collectively can restore our world to harmony!
Watch the video below, "Restoring World Peace--Water Knows". In this video, modern scientists have demonstrated very clearly how our state of mind affects the environment -- the causality of the mind and the environment.
By conducting countless experiments on the water crystals, scientists discovered that water can read, water can smell, water can listen and watch, and feel. Water can receive and reflect the messages of human thoughts through the shapes and contents of the water crystals. Water knows!
See for yourself how water knows the human expression of love regardless of languages, understand the natural disasters happened on earth, and the tragedies humans suffered. Water manifests the power of our mind. If we change the state of our mind, the environment will change accordingly.
Restoring World Peace -- Water Knows
All Phenomena Arise from the Mind. Our Environment Changes According to our Mind.
[ Video Transcript ]
We feel relaxed, calm, and clear-minded, when we hear the water, see the water, get close to it, or touch it. Why so? Is it because life comes from water? Is it because water and life are closely related? Or is it because we simply cannot live without it? All of the above may be true.
Our close relation with water is innate. When life is being formed, water is the first exterior existence to be felt by it. This is probably why water can give us a sense of peace as if we are back to the original point of life. But is this influence and interlink with water only unilateral? After extensive research and experiment on the message of water, we are going to show you the secret of the cosmos revealed by water -- world peace is starting from our mind, water knows . . .
Water makes up over 70% of human body. It also takes up 70% of Earth's surface in the form of rivers and oceans. Water is an important element in sustaining life. The hydrogen molecule and oxygen molecule, which are the building blocks of water, have been deemed to be some kind of "liquid mineral". In 1988, the French immunologist, Jacques Benveniste, published his research report about the memory of water. He found that when drugs are diluted down to a density close to pure water, they still maintain the same curative effect. This argument about the memory of water was not widely recognized at that time. As such, Jacques Benveniste even lost his research funding. In 2009, the joint recipient of Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, French virologist, Professor Luc Antoine Montagnier supported Benveniste's argument in his research report. He showed that the water molecule in the liquid that contains HIV DNA can emit a particular type of electromagnetic signal, which can be duplicated in liquid that does not contain HIV DNA. This has proven that water has memory.
Does water have memory? It sounds very peculiar. In fact, not just water, the entire universe is one organic life entity. The German quantum physicist, Dr. Max Planck, documented in his research on atoms, "I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such . . . The mind is the matrix of all matter." He claims that the universe is like an invisible electromagnetic web, where everything including water on this web can receive the energy vibration of human thoughts. The water experiment is based on such scientific theory to prove that water is not only able to receive human thoughts, but is also able to change accordingly.
As Venerable Master Chin Kung says, "Anything that we think, we say, or we do, water knows. Even the air knows. It is not only being seen by many people, but is also being felt by all beings in the universe. If we truly understand the concept and realize the reality, we would not dare to conceive any evil thoughts, nor would we dare to commit any sins. Our ancestors told us, that is god. We believe that. What do they mean by god? It is referred to all the matter outside our body that is able to feel what we think, what we say, and what we do. In Buddhism, it is called Alaya Consciousness. Our Alaya Consciousness is the false mind, and our innate nature is the true mind. The true mind does not have any thoughts, nor does it have any distinction of good or bad. The true mind is the origin of all phenomena. All phenomena are actually reflection of the true mind. So they are interlinked without any obstacles, which is just like the internet, but far more sophisticated and superior than the internet. Hence, we cannot do anything that is against our conscience assuming that nobody would know. As a matter of fact, Buddha and Bodhisattvas know it, so do the ghosts and spirits surrounding us. It sounds like it is scaring us. However, come to think about it, water knows everything. The air has moisture so it would certainly know everything as well. We cannot live without water. Every blood cell in our body would die without water. Water makes up 70% of our body. So it makes perfect sense to perform experiments on water."
Buddha Recitation of "Amituofo" represents good health, happiness, and wisdom. The water crystals in the experiments have proven that reciting Buddha's name has the power of cultivating our mind to renounce evil and recover goodness. Such benevolence based on love is the core value and the shared root of all religions. The righteous belief in religion helps people cultivate their goodness and enhance their spirituality. It also generates positive energy to make the water crystals show beautiful patterns.
Where is the power of the religion? The power of the religion is in its respective scriptures!
Catholicism: Love is patient, kind without envy. It is not boastful or arrogant. It is not ill-mannered nor does it seek its own interest. Love overcomes anger and forgets offences. It does not take delight in wrong, but rejoice in truth. Love excuses everything, believe all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.
Christianity: If you want to enter life, obey the commandments. Which ones? The man inquired. Jesus replied -- Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother, and love your neighbor as yourself.
Islam: Worth Allah and join none with Him in worship, and do good to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, Al-Masakin (the poor), the neighbor who is near of kin, the neighbor who is a stranger, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (you meet), and those (slaves) whom your hands possess. Verily, Allah does not like such as are proud and boastful...
Buddhism: He constantly entertained compassion and forbearance for all sentient beings. (The Infinite Life Sutra, Chapter 8)
Confucianism: Human beings, regardless of nationality, race or religion -- everyone should be loved equally. We are all sheltered by the same sky and we all live on the same planet earth.
Taoism: Give succor to those in need, and rescue those in danger.
Hinduism: Anger must be conquered by forgiveness. And the wicked must be conquered by honesty. The miser must be conquered by liberality. And falsehood must conquered by truth.
Sikhism: More than all else do I cherish at heart that love which makes me to live in limitless life in this world.
Jainism: Just as you do not like misery, in the same way others also do not like it. Knowing this, you should do unto them what you want them to do unto you. Mahavira (Bhagavati Aradhana 780)
Bahaism: Be generous in prosperity, and thankful in adversity. Be worthy of the trust of thy neighbor, and look upon him with a bright and friendly face. Be a treasure to the poor, an admonisher to the rich, an answerer of the cry of the needy.
Venerable Master Chi Kung once said, "All the religions of the world are one family. All the religions of the world are one entity." The water experiment has made us learn that all matters are reflection of our mind, and the universe is one life entity. We need to give up on competition in order to bring our mind back to the state of purity, equality, and goodness. We need to change the state of our mind in order for us to resolve the conflicts of the world and bring the world back to peace and harmony.
In sum,
When we give rise to a thought, water knows and the air also knows.
The water that make makes up 70% of our body knows.
The river and oceans that make up 70% of the Earth's surface also knows.
What kind of water crystals would you like to see in your body and in the surrounding environment?
When all beings are in harmony, the world will be in peace.
It is starting from our mind ...
[ End of video transcript ]
Cultivating our Mind with Positive Thought, a Pure Mind
The universe is indeed one living entity. All matter is conscious of sight, sound, taste, smell, touch, and thoughts. Thus, the whole universe senses even our slightest thought and we cannot hide our thoughts from anyone. Positive thoughts generate positive energy and negative thoughts generate negative energy. We must therefore try to maintain proper thoughts, words, and conduct. Only when we know to love ourselves will we truly love others, including all beings.
If all religious teachings, the teachings of causality, morality, and virtue can truly transform people from evil to good, from contaminated to pure, and from deluded to awakened, these teachings will then be the way--the only proper path--to resolve all the conflicts, disasters, and calamities, and restore harmony in our modern world. If people of all religions can cooperate and work together, follow the commandments and precepts, cultivate themselves, practice the teachings of their own faith and help others, learn from and respect and care for one another, then a harmonious society and peaceful world can be perfectly realized.
The Dharma of Buddha Recitation, as extolled by Buddha Sakyamuni, offers an expedient way for all sentient beings to attain a pure mind and be mindful of the Buddha. The ultimate purpose is, in one lifetime, to achieve rebirth in Amitabha Buddha's Pure Land, thus ending the ocean of sufferings from the cycle of Birth and Death. This is the most crucial matter of all. Therefore, sentient beings are urged to practice Buddha Recitation.
Check out a sample chant from this collection of Amitabha Mindful Chanting, and start your chanting practice today!