In order for us to resolve disasters, the ultimate method is to "cultivate precepts, meditative concentration, an wisdom; cease creating and destroy greed, anger, and ignorance."
All forms of prayers, although effective, are not the final solution. Only by universally spreading the teachings of morality, virtue, and causality, can we ultimately transform people's minds and help to solve all the complex problems on Earth.
When the Buddha taught all beings, his aim was for people to achieve the Three Learnings of precepts, meditative concentration, and wisdom. Abiding by the precepts leads to the achievement of meditative concentration. And from meditative concentration, wisdom arises. Meditative concentration is pivotal to one's learning and cultivation of Buddhism. Abiding by the precepts is the means to achieve meditative concentration. Meditative concentration is the means to uncover wisdom. Uncovering wisdom is the true objective because only wisdom can help us solve all problems.
Buddhism teaches us to work to eliminate greed, hatred, and ignorance; to abide by precepts, practice meditative concentration and wisdom; to eliminate all the conflicts within ourselves against all people and environment; to let go of all selfish thoughts; and to only consider the needs of others. If we can truly learn this principle, we are "seeing through" to the truth. But we need to start by putting these teachings into real practice by completely letting go of all greed, anger, ignorance, and arrogance; eradicating all evil and practicing all good deeds; and practicing giving and patience. Doing so we will accumulate merit and virtue.
When the Buddha was in our world, he was joyful and open-minded, whether taking part in daily life or teaching and it was this joy and energy that attracted people and helped them to accept Buddha-dharma. Buddha-dharma is not meant to bind us, but to benefit all beings by bringing them joy and happiness. The formation of the precepts was to show us the right path to attain a happy and fulfilling life.
What are the sufferings of the sentient beings in our current age? The first is committing the wrongdoings of the Ten Evil Karmas. The Buddha taught us the First Learning of precepts to overcome these. The second suffering is the inability to remain serene and at peace. The Buddha taught us the Second Learning of meditative concentration to achieve purity of mind and tranquility. The third suffering is ignorance. The Buddha taught us Third Learning of wisdom to overcome our current state of ignorance.
The Buddha told us that if we can abide by the precepts and laws, we would have a tranquil body and mind that will enable us to be free from worries and fears. Since, deep concentration arises from tranquility, the precepts are essential to self-cultivation. If we break the law or the precepts, then our consciences will be plagued by guilt even we are not punished. Moreover, eve if we avoid worldly retributions, there is no way to avoid our karmic retributions. When the body and mind are disturbed, we cannot concentrate on our practice and to practice successfully, we need to be tranquil. It is said, "Precepts or self-discipline led to deep concentration, from which wisdom arises."

Once we have developed a pure and quiet mind, and have attained wisdom, we can begin to broaden our knowledge. We can see, hear, and learn of anything that we are interested in, for now we have attained wisdom and will not be affected by our surroundings.
Since we have self-control, the more we see and hear the wiser we will become, and the greater our strength from deep concentration will be.
How are deep concentration and wisdom increased? Remaining unmoved by surroundings will enhance deep concentration. Developing a clear and understanding mind will enhance wisdom. Then we can learn from other schools to enhance our deep concentration and wisdom. First, we practice precepts, concentration, and wisdom to attain our original wisdom. Then we can learn extensively to perfect our acquired wisdom. This is the way of learning from ancient times.
N a m o A m i t a b h a B u d d h a