The Buddha's teaching, the teaching of all the sages throughout history and around the world, and religious teaching all are multicultural education. In particular, the Avatamsaka Sutra, which is a summary of Buddhism, truly contains profound wisdom from the perfect fusion of different religions and cultures.
For example, all the organs of a body, such as the eyes, the ears, the nose, tongue, hands, and feet, must do their duties and cooperate with other organs. This way, the body will be healthy.
All of the ethnic groups, cultures, religions, schools of thought were originally a single life community. Therefore, they should seek common ground and put aside differences, exist and flourish side by side, respect and help one another, get along harmoniously, and treat one another equally. The universe was originally harmonious. The world was originally one family.
To achieve world peace through religious harmony and conflict resolution, we need to instill the mindset of "One Humanity, Many Faiths" (PDF) and promote an unifying effort from all religious leaders to better educate us and future generations with the spirit of compassion and universal love. It all begins with religious harmony.
Check out below the teachings from the prominent religions around the world. Each one is a compilation of 360 passages selected from the sacred texts that serve as the essential teachings of each religion. Gratitude goes to the meticulous compilation efforts by the Association of Master Chin Kung's Friends at UNESCO. We should spend time to study from each religion, learn from each other, and attain a deeper mutual understanding between each other. World peace can certainly be achieved.
R E L I G I O N 3 6 0
Baha'i Faith 360 ~ Buddhism 360 ~ Christianity 360 ~ Hinduism 360 ~ Islam 360 ~ Jainism 360 ~ Judaism 360 ~ Sikh Faith 360 ~ Taoism 360 ~ Zoroastrianism 360 [PDF]
You may also download these PDF booklets under "References".

Religious respect and cooperation is the foundation for global harmony. To achieve world peace, there must be harmony and equal treatment among countries, among political parties or political factions, among ethnic groups, and among religious groups.
It is difficult to achieve this, but it is easier to start with achieving harmony among religious groups. Religious respect and cooperation must be based on learning from each other in order for one's own religions to stay vital. If every religious adherent were able to practice the teachings of the sages -- compassion, loving-kindness, sincerity, respectfulness, humility, and harmony -- and get along harmoniously with others and treat them equally, then perfect harmony and social harmony would be near.
The core of the teachings of all sages, in this world and beyond, is sincere loving-kindness. Through the teaching of morality, the law of cause and effect, wisdom, and science, the sages aim to uncover the virtue of the utmost purity and virtuousness innate in all sentient beings. These virtues will manifest when interacting with others and engaging in daily tasks.
Today, many religious scholars believe that God or a deity has no physical body; He is omnipresent. This statement also applies to Dharma-nature in Buddhism. Therefore, we know that although different terms are used, all religions speak of the same thing.
I have discussed this basic concept with many religious leaders, and we all agree that the gods worshiped in all religions are the one and only true God in the universe. I asked them, "Do you agree that the true God has perfect wisdom?" They agreed. "The true God has miraculous powers, which are inconceivable, and can transform into anything." They believed this.
And then I said, "He has turned into Sakyamuni of Buddhism, Confucius of China, Jesus Christ of Christianity, and Prophet Muhammad of Islam. All these people were in fact the true God. Therefore, we are all family."
It is admirable of these religious leaders to accept this idea with open hearts. I thought that a lot of discussion might be required before they would accept this idea, but it has been warmly received by my religious friends. This is quite rare and commendable.
To resolve conflict and promote social stability and world peace, we have to stop competing for recognition and material gain, and actively promote the teaching of benevolence, justice, and compassion, a teaching that will help all beings attain enlightenment. This teaching is the same as the teaching of love taught in religion: God loves people.
Through careful observation, we will really appreciate that all the great sages in every country throughout time and the founders of the major religions, who were all sages, completely renounced material gain and greed, and had pure minds. Therefore, they practiced what they taught and were able to teach others to practice. They exerted far-reaching influence during their times and on future generations.
The goal of religious education is to realize the truth of all phenomena, which the earth, the heavens, and I originate from. All things and I are one, not two.
The effect of the religious education is to reach complete virtue and ultimate wisdom, respect all beings, and vow to serve all beings.
From this we can understand that religious education is the guideline to realize a harmonious society and a happy life. If we pay attention only to rituals and fail to profoundly comprehend the essence of the sutra's teaching, we will not progress any further than just being zealous about our faith and thus be easily manipulated by those with bad intentions.
The Qur'an says that Allah is benevolent. The Bible says: "For God so loved the world ..." The foundation of Confucius' and Mencius teaching is benevolence, righteousness, loyalty, and forgiveness. The goal of Mahayana Buddhism is sincerity and compassion.
Therefore, we can understand the goals of all religions in this world are benevolence, compassion, universal love, sincerity, respect, humility, and harmony. The content of all religions include these five teachings: ethics, morality, causality, philosophy, and science. The first three categories are universal teachings for all people regardless of gender, age, or social status. All people should learn these teachings in earnest. The latter two categories are fields of teachings, which are deeply studied by a few individuals.
We start with the training of teachers by establishing an institute of religions. After that, we establish a university of religions or a multicultural university where these teachers can go on to teach students.
To train outstanding propagators, courses in morality, virtues, religious texts, the law of cause and effect, science, philosophy, and so on should be conducted. Each religion should establish its own college. Each college has both compulsory courses and specialized courses. In addition to focusing in the texts of his or her religion, a student can also study the teachings of other religions.
After being assessed and endorsed by the government as being truly beneficial to social harmony and stability, lectures can be broadcast to religious adherents throughout the entire country and even around the world via the Internet and satellite television.
Founders of all religions were actually the different forms and identities that the true God took for the purpose of teaching diverse ethnic groups, with their varied cultural and historical backgrounds, at different times. Though the teaching methods are different, when we look at them carefully, we will see that their directions, goals, and purposes are the same.
The starting point of all religions is love. That the starting point is the same means that they share the same goal and direction. Therefore, religious groups can work together. There were nine religious groups in Singapore while I was there. They really worked together as one and got along harmoniously like brothers and sisters. This helped to bring stability and peace to the country.
Our true nature is neither physical nor spiritual, nor a natural phenomenon. It is true purity, true goodness, compassion, impartiality, and perfect enlightenment. True nature neither arises nor ceases. It is all-knowing and able to create everything without confrontation.
Everything, no matter how insignificant, is derived from their own original true nature. It is referred to as the true creator of the universe, the true God in many scriptures of different faiths and religions. We should realize that we are unified into God all the time (not just "with God"). We are unified into the universe as oneness. The world is created by the power of consciousness.
Religious harmony is the key to world peace. If each religion can promote impartiality and strive to attain harmonious coexistence, then harmonious relationships among: 1) countries, 2) ethnic groups, and 3) political factions can be achieved. Moreover, religious harmony is the easiest to begin with when compared to the other three relationships, because all religious texts teach us to do good deeds and abandon evil deeds, to let go of selfishness, to enhance our spirits, and to refrain from pursuing wealth, fame, and other selfish desires. If religious adherents truly practice what the sacred texts teach, the adherents will live in harmony with all beings.
The ultimate goal of the teaching of all religions is to guide the human mind to goodness. Therefore, a religion should take up the mission of righting the human mind and eliminating disasters. There are more people who have a faith than those who do not. If those who have a faith can take the lead, restoring the sages' teaching of morality, virtues, and causality, and starting from themselves, truly practice the teaching of the sages, they will be able to move those who do not have a faith. Through this, they can lead their countries, political parties, and ethnic groups to return to harmony--harmony in having the same understanding and in sharing benefits--and to where people get along harmoniously, treating one another equally. This way, world stability and harmony can be achieved.
In striving for eternal happiness, we must eradicate all that is bad and embrace all that is good to transform delusion into enlightenment. It is important to be virtuous in our thoughts and conduct, and to live in harmony with people of all races, religions, and nationalities, and with all beings. If we regard all seniors as our parents and all children as our own as we care for, protect, and guide them, we will be setting good examples. Thus, we will attain peace and happiness for all.
All the religions in the world, however diverse, are of one family and originally lived in harmony with each other. As the name of the Avatamsaka Sutra implies, in a garden there are various species of magnificent flowers, each showing their unique beauty and fragrance, together creating a beautiful scene. But if the garden is limited to only one species, isn't it boring?
To help people develop confidence in religious education, every religion should establish their own model cities of harmony. Through constant teaching, the teachings in the sacred texts will be practiced in daily life. This will inspire other cities to follow suit. As a result, the whole country will be stable and peaceful, and people will enjoy happiness. Eventually, the whole world will be led to harmony. This will be the greatest contribution of religious education to today's society. I believe that this sacred undertaking will have the help and blessing from the sages of all the religions.
Why is love regarded as the core of the sacred teachings?
The reason is that the universe is created by an exclusive creator, the noumenon of the universe, who dominates all in the universe. Humans are certainly inclusive. The creator therefore is also the noumenon of humankind.
Since we are integrated into all beings in the universe, we should love everybody and every object the same as we love our own bodies (externally, the five sense organs; internally, the organs of the body), Catholics and Christians call the noumenon of the universe "God", Muslims say "Allah", Buddhists say "true nature", and Taoists say "Tao". Although it is called something different by each religion, the essence is the same.
For example, the Bible says: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word as God." (John 1:1 NAB).
Particularly in this age, when information is readily available, the whole world has become a village. If religious adherents truly learn their religious texts, they will appreciate the wondrous meaning of "There is only one true God and the truth is eternal and unchanging." For example, the omniscient and omnipotent God has hundreds or thousands of manifestations. He is called Allah in Islam and God in Christianity and Catholicism. He manifested as Confucius, Mencius, Laotzu, and Zhuangtzu in China. In Buddhism, he is called the true nature. All the different terms were created to accord with the different historical and cultural backgrounds of the beings and to facilitate teaching.
Religious groups should work together and help each other. In addition, they should learn from each other and show the love of the sages through those of us who have a faith. We should start from the religion we believe in. We should broaden our minds, love our religions as well as all other religions. We learn not only the sacred texts of our religion but also those of other religions. We will further understand that all religions are truly one family. The core of the teaching of all religions is nothing but compassion and loving-kindness.
Today, travel and communication are more convenient. Religions should have more interaction with each other, cooperate with and learn from one another. We should understand the teachings given by the true God to the different religions and thus deepen our understanding of our own religious texts. We should bring ourselves closer to the true God. Most importantly, religious adherents should express the love of God by their actions, by propagating it to people all over the world and thus saving the world.
On the basis of religious cooperation, we should take the next step to promote mutual learning among religions in order to strengthen the spirits of unity. Mutual learning will enable us to realize that there is only one true God in the universe. All the holy ones of different religions are the manifestations of the one true God.
We should understand that all the sacred teachings are literally given by the one true God but in different forms or appearances. Therefore, I respect all the holy Gods of the different religions. In reality, I am respecting one true God. By studying all religious texts, we can deepen our understanding of the teachings of the same true God. By doing so, we can bring ourselves closer to God, enhance our spirits, broaden our minds, encompass all in the universe, and bring ever-lasting peace and harmony to all beings.
All of the different religions in the world are one family. We should completely let go of arrogance, jealousy, and greed, treat one another equally, get along with everyone harmoniously, and work together to help people awaken. Suffering arises from delusion. Happiness arises from awakening. Only when we are truly awakened will we naturally leave suffering behind and attain happiness.
Our true nature is neither physical nor spiritual. It is true purity, true goodness, compassion, impartiality, and universal love. True nature neither arises nor ceases. It is all-knowing and able to create everything without confrontation. In various religions, people refer to this as the true creator of the universe, the true God.
For years, I have diligently learned various religious texts such as the Old and New Testaments and the Qur'an. When I study the Bible, I become a devout Christian or a devout Catholic. When I study the Qur'an, I become a devout Muslim. My sincerity and respect for Allah and God are pure and impartial, just like my sincerity and respect for Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. I deeply understand that only when I completely put down the three obstacles of jealousy, anger, and greed, and affirm that all sages are my best teachers will I benefit from studying the texts and really understand the true meanings of the sages' teachings.
I deeply believe that religious teachings on causality, morality, and ethics will definitely turn the bad in us humans to good, pollution to purity, and delusion to enlightenment. This is the only correct solution to various kinds of conflicts and human and natural disasters. If the adherents of diverse faiths and religions can cooperate sincerely; observe the rules; cultivate themselves; practice the teachings and influence others; learn from one another; respect one another; love, care about, and cooperate with one another; then society and the world will be harmonious.
If we want to save the world today, religions must have solidarity and mutually coexist and cooperate in both good times and bad. In order to achieve religious cooperation and solidarity, we must take religious education as the foundation, and every religious adherent should learn his or her own sacred texts in depth. Also, we should learn from one another, respect our differences, and seek common ground. Doing so, the effect of religious cooperation will be long lasting and continuously vibrant.
If we want to truly achieve social stability, harmony, and prosperity, we should start with education. Religious prayers only effect a temporary solution, not a permanent cure. To effect a permanent cure requires transforming the human mind and helping everyone abandon evil and cultivate goodness, amend their conduct, and set their thoughts upright. We should earnestly and diligently implement religious education and propagate it. If every religion can engage continuously in teaching for years, this will be of great help to eliminate disasters and promote harmony.
If one sincerely follows the teaching, one will gain the true benefit, no matter what teaching it is, be it Confucianism, Buddhism, or Taoism, or any other religion. It is because all religions have their own fundamental precepts. If any practitioner truly realizes the precepts of his religion in daily life, he will naturally be peaceful and tranquil. If we don't learn from the fundamental teachings, the whole learning process would be like a tree without roots, like water without a source, like flowers in a vase, like a house built on empty air. We will only have academic accomplishments. The practitioner will hardly be a person who will alleviate suffering, change delusion into enlightenment, and transform ordinary beings into saints and sages.
For the purpose of facilitating teaching, Buddhism divides the entire universe into three parts: noumenon, mind, and matter. These three parts are actually one entity. Noumenon is the essence, which is considered by Buddhism to be able to manifest and alter phenomena. In the statement "[phenomena are] manifested by the mind and altered by the consciousness," the mind is the noumenon, and the consciousness refers to discrimination and attachments, both of which manifest everything in the universe.
That which can be manifested and the manifested are one, not two. From here, we try to understand that the entire universe is oneself. Our minds merge with Dharma-nature, and our bodies merge with Dharma-body. Dharma-body refers to the physical phenomena in the universe, and seeing, smelling, cognition, and knowing refer to the mental phenomena in the universe. These two kinds of phenomena come from the same origin. This origin is called Dharma-nature in Buddhism and is called God or deities in other religions.
I have long admired the traditional Chinese cultures of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, as well as the sacred teachings of different religions in the world. Even with fifty-nine years of learning, I often feel that I have much more to learn. I never tired of learning and I'm always eager to share what I've learnt with others. Now I am eighty-four years old, and I still take great pleasure in learning. I never feel that I am too old to learn.
As long as we have a pure, kind, sincere, and compassionate minds, then there will be world peace, and the surrounding environment will become beautiful. But if we have impure minds, with thoughts of benefiting ourselves while harming others, and if we have many ill thoughts of greed, anger, ignorance, and arrogance, we will bring forth many disasters, as what is happening in the world right now. In other words, we reap exactly what we sow.
The chapter "The Instruction of Yi" in the Book of History states: "Do good and a hundred good fortunes will manifest. Do evil and a hundred misfortunes will ensue."
The Qu'ran states: "And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned." (42:30, Noble Quran)
The Bible states: "Is it not calamity to the unrighteous, And disaster to the workers of iniquity?" (Job 31:3 ASV)
All the founders of all religions voluntarily taught multicultural teachings. For example, Jesus taught for three years, the Prophet Muhammad taught for twenty-seven years, and Buddha Shakyamuni taught for forty-nine years. Every day, they all set perfect examples with their own conduct. Their behavior was sincere and compassionate, even when they were still or silent.
Therefore, religious adherents should deeply realize that religious education is necessary for a harmonious world. If we fulfill our responsibilities in whatever position we are in and put into practice the teachings on ethics, morality, and causality, and cultivate ourselves to teach others, I believe a Utopian world can be expected soon with religious coexisting in good times and bad.
[I was once asked by a student,] "How can different religious groups get along harmoniously without conflict?" I answered that the most important thing is to learn one's own religious teaching diligently.
For example, Indonesia acknowledges five religions: Islam, Catholicism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism. These five religions are like a person's five fingers. They differ in length, but when one traces them back to the palm, the wrist, and the arm, one will know that the fingers share the same root and the same origin.
Therefore, as long as one continues to delve deeply into one's religious texts, when one gets to a certain level, one will naturally comprehend the teaching. When one is exposed to the texts of other religions, one will also be able to understand them. An ancient saying speaks of "delving deeply into one teaching and immersing oneself in it for a long time." When one delves deeply and reaches a certain level, one will attain a pure mind and will naturally have a thorough understanding.
When we pay close attention to the teachings in the sutras or religious texts, we will find that the spirit of the teachings and the principles taught by the sages of all religions are about 80 percent similar. The differences arise due to the sages having accommodated people's living habits and using expedient means to facilitate their teaching.
From this, we can see that the teaching of the sages originated from the true nature of all beings. The true nature originally contains every good quality and can manifest all phenomena. Everything that goes against the true nature will decline. This is why every dynasty in China passed down the sages' teachings . This way society had peaceful and stable times and people were happy.
When we carefully look at history, it is easy for us to see that the teaching of every religion in the world is a perfect multicultural social teaching of the utmost virtuousness. The founders of all the religions were voluntary multicultural social educators.
Jesus taught for three years. The Prophet Muhammad taught for twenty-seven years. Confucius taught for five years. Sakyamuni Buddha taught for forty-nine years. They all let go of prestige, wealth, and greed completely. They were pure in mind and body. They engaged in cultivation and taught people from all walks of life, without discrimination. Therefore, they were able to exert profound and wide-reaching influence on people of their times and later generations.
Watch the above Video: "Restoring World Peace -- Water Knows"
All phenomena arise from our minds.
Our environment can be transformed by the mind.
The Buddhist sutras state: "All phenomena arise from our minds; our environment can be transformed by the mind." Therefore, I deeply believe that among all the religious teachings, the teachings of causality, morality, and virtue can truly transform people from evil to good, from contaminated to pure, and from deluded to awakened. These teachings are also the only way -- the only proper path -- to resolve all the conflicts, disasters, and calamities in the twenty-first century. If people of all religions can cooperate and work together, follow the commandments and precepts, cultivate themselves, practice the teachings of their own faith and help others, learn from and respect and care for one another, then a harmonious society and peaceful world can be perfectly realized.
This is a multicultural world. There are different religions, schools of thought, ethnic groups, and nations. We are all part of a bigger family. How can we fight with one another? We need to live in peace while respecting individual differences. We have to respect one another. We do not ask for respect from others but respect others first. Even if there is no respect in return, we still show our sincere respect to others.
Eventually, one day others will pay their respect to us, I pay my respect to him, care about him, care for him, and help him with all my heart without asking anything in return because I know we are one entity. I know the whole universe is one entity. He just doesn't know it yet because he is still unenlightened. When he attains awareness, he will think and do the same.
Today's world emphasizes multiculturalism and seeks cooperation among different religions, ethnic groups, and countries. We are one entity. We need to respect, love, care about, care for, and cooperate with one another.
We need to pursue harmony. How? Harmony begins within ourselves. Instead of asking others to respect and get along with us, we ourselves need to respect and get along with others first. It does not matter whether others pay equal respect to us or try to get along with us. Eventually we will move them and influence them if we persevere in respecting them.
If I have the merest thought of demanding that others first get along with me, harmony can never truly be achieved. It is because I place myself in a conflicting position with the thought of demanding, dominating, and possessing others. So I do my utmost to love other people, care about and for them, and help them wholeheartedly. i do all this without asking anything in return because I know that we are one and that this universe is one living entity.
N a m o A m i t a b h a B u d d h a