1. The Bodhisattva Samantabhadra replied to Kumara Sudhana: "O Noble-minded Man, as to what is said regarding the "homage and respect of the Buddhas", it means that by the power of the Virtues and the Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, I ("I" means any person) have profound faith and deep understanding, as though I were face to face simultaneously with all the Buddhas of all the Buddha-worlds (such Buddhas) equal to the (flying) smallest dust-motes in number, throughout the worlds of Dharma and the empty space of the ten directions and the three periods of time. I worship and adore them constantly with my pure deeds viz. the bodily, vocal, and mental deeds."
Before every Buddha in the Buddha land, I present myself by (miraculous) transformation in unutterable and innumerable bodies like unto the smallest specks of dust in number. With every one of my manifestations I pay homage to all the Buddhas of every Buddha-domain and such Buddhas are equal to the smallest dust-motes in number.
My homage will end when the limitation of infinite space is ended, as the space is boundless, so also is my homage to the Buddhas without end. So is it, when the spheres of beings are ended, the karmas of beings are ended, the sorrows of beings (klesa) are ended, these too are endless: even so is my homage to all the Buddhas endless. Thought following upon thought without interruption, and in bodily, vocal, and mental deeds without weariness.

The Practices and Vows of The Bodhisattva Samantabhadra