When the Bodhisattva Mahasattva Samantabhadra having discoursed upon and praised the exalted merits and virtues of the Tathagata, He addressed the Celestial Youth Treasure of Merit Kumara Sudhana and a great company of Bodhisattvas as follows: O Noble-minded Man, the (infinite) merits and virtues of the Tathagata are so great and wonderful. If such were preached by all the Buddhas of the ten directions who consecutively enumerated them during unspeakable and incalculable aeons in the Buddha-domains equal to the smallest dust-motes (in the atmosphere) in number, they could not thereby be exhausted. If (there be any who) aspire to attain this high state of merit, (let them understand that) its realization depends upon the attainment of the Ten Great Vows: the vows of widest and highest aspiration and the actual practice of them.
And what are the Ten Great Vows? They are:
1. To pay the highest homage and respect to all Buddhas. [Vow 1]
2. To preach (the virtue of) and to praise (the glory of) the Tathagatas. [Vow 2]
3. To make abundant offerings for the veneration to the Buddhas. [Vow 3]
4. To repent and confess one's evil deeds and evil karma. [Vow 4]
5. To approve of and rejoice at the merits and virtues of others. [Vow 5]
6. To request the Buddhas to set in motion "The Wheel of Dharma". [Vow 6]
7. To request the Buddhas to remain in the world. [Vow 7]
8. To be faithful follower of "The Teaching of the Buddhas" forever. [Vow 8]
9. To be always in harmony with all beings. [Vow 9]
10. To dedicate all of one's merits to (benefit) all beings. [Vow 10]
The Kumara Sudhana said to the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra: "What course shall we follow, O Holy One, to fulfill all these virtues, from 'paying homage to Buddhas' to 'dedicating one's own merits' to all beings"?