
The Chapter of the Surangama Sutra on
Mahasthama Bodhisattva's
Mindfulness of AMITĀBHA
to Universally Realize Samadhi

The Chapter of the Surangama Sutra
Mindfulness of AMITĀBHA
Universally Realize Samadhi
Mahasthama, a son of the Dharma king, who was the head of a group of fifty-two Bodhisattvas, rose from his seat, prostrated himself with his head at the feet of the Buddha and declared: 'I still remember that in the remotest of aeons countless as the sands in the Ganges, there was a Buddha called Amitabha who was succeeded by eleven other Tathagatas in that kalpa. The last one was called the "Buddha Whose Light surpassed that of the Sun and Moon"; he taught me how to realize the state of Samadhi by thinking exclusively of (Amitabha) Buddha. By way of illustration, if a man concentrates his mind on someone else while the latter always forgets him, both may meet and see, but without recognizing, each other. However, if both are keen on thinking of each other, their keenness will grow from one incarnation to another until they become inseparable like a body and its shadow. The Tathagatas in the ten directions have compassion for all living beings and always think of them, like a mother who never ceases thinking of her son. If the son runs away, her thoughts of him will not help. But if he also thinks of her with the same keenness, they will not be separated in spite of the passing of transmigration. If a living being remembers and thinks of the Buddha, he is bound to behold Him in his present or future incarnation. He will not be far from the Buddha and thus without the aid of any other expedient, his mind will be opened. He is like a man whose body, perfumed by incense, gives out fragrance; hence his name "One Glorified by (Buddha's) Fragrance and Light." From my fundamental cause-ground and with all my thoughts concentrated on the Buddha, I achieved the patient endurance of the uncreate. (This is why) I help all living beings of this world to control their thoughts by repeating the Buddha's name so that they can reach the Pure Land. As the Buddha now asks about the best means of perfection, I hold that nothing can surpass the perfect control of the six senses with continuous pure thoughts in order to realize Samadhi.'
Translated by
This sutra is translated by Upasaka Lu K'uan Yu.
For those who are interested, the complete text of the above sutra in Chinese is provided here.

Amitabha is speaking the Dharma right now.
Amitabha is helping all who are truly sincere in their vows to be reborn in the Western Pure Land, the Land of Ultimate Bliss.
Pick a sample chant from the Amitabha Mindful Chanting music collection and start your daily chanting practice today!
It's simple and easy to get started, and the reward empowered by Amitabha is inconceivable!

The Three Sages in Amitabha's Pure Land
Mahasthama Bodhisattva is the trinity along with Amitabha Buddha and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in Pure Land Buddhism.

Buddha Name Chanting
The Ten Recitation Method
This simple, convenient, and effective way to practice Buddha Recitation is especially suitable for those who find that they have little time for cultivation. It helps us to be mindful of Buddha Amitabha. It brings us quiet joy.
We begin when we wake up. Sit up straight and clearly recite "Amituofo" ten times with a calm and focused mind, aloud or silently. We repeat this process eight more times, each time doing one round of ten recitations.
Recite nine times daily at these times:
Upon waking up
Before breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Before and after our morning's work
Before and after our afternoon's work
Upon retiring
The key is regularity; disruption of this practice will reduce its effectiveness. When we recite consistently without interruption, we will soon feel an increase in our purity of mind, wisdom, and serenity. Diligent practice of this method, together with unwavering belief and vows, can ensure fulfillment of our wish to be reborn in the Western Pure Land.

May the merit and virtue
accrued from this work
adorn Amitabha Buddha's Pure Land,
repay the four great kindnesses above,
and relieve the suffering of
the three paths below.
May those who see or hear of these efforts
generate Bodhi-mind,
spent their lives devoted to the Buddha Dharma,
and finally be reborn together in
the Land of Ultimate Bliss.
Homage to Amitabha Buddha!
* Dedication of Merits *

Restoring World Peace--Water Knows
All Phenomena Arise from the Mind
Our Environment Changes According to Our Mind
The Buddhist teachings state, "All phenomena arise from our minds; our environment can be transformed by the Mind." Believe it or not, each of us possess the power of mind to change our living environment, and we human beings collectively can restore our world to harmony!
Watch the video above, "Restoring World Peace--Water Knows". In this video, modern scientists have demonstrated very clearly how our state of mind affects the environment -- the causality of our mind and the environment. By conducting countless experiments on the water crystals, scientists discovered that water can read, water can smell, water can learn and watch, and feel. Water can receive and reflect the messages of human thoughts through the shapes and contents of the water crystals. Water knows!
See for yourself how water knows the human expression of love regardless of languages, understands the natural disasters happened on earth, and the tragedies humans suffered. Water manifests the power of our mind. If we change the sate of our mind, the environment will change accordingly!
Read a summary of the video transcript.
Watch the video Does Water Have Memory?
Watch the video Our Mind ... Water Knows